Welcome to the session 2019-20, our commitment at BBS is to provide a safe, positive intellectual learning environment that will empower students to become creative problem solver, critical thinkers and inspired learners of prepared college and life in the 21st century.
It's my pleasure and privilege to serve as the Principal of BBS School not only because it's my passion but also because I enjoy the company of my dearly loved students and talented and zealous teachers who keep me energized all the time.
BBS School 'A School based on Indian Culture with moral values' we believe that education is not merely the learning of science and arts but also consists of biding high ethical and cultural values. BBS provides latest aids and educational apparatus to create a suitable atmosphere for teaching learning process and to set a new standard in education of child.
If a plant is carefully nurtured by a gardener, it will become good, and produce better fruit. Therefore children must be given a good training from their early childhood. A student who was taught discipline will learn the power of self control. To be successful, we need self discipline which teaches us to sacrifice individual interest in favour of group interest.
We are sure that our students as yesterday, today and tomorrow will carry forward the motto of love and unity entrusted in their hands at BBS. We hope that they will always do well in their studies.
I am excited for the opportunity to work with the students to provide a productive and safe learning environment that supports students' success. Once again Welcome to BBS School! I am honored to serve as your principal.
Thank you & God bless you all.